
Tesseracts 14

I was really torn for a minute there. Brett Savory put out word yesterday that the Table of Contents of Tesseracts 14, the next edition of the long-running Canadian sf anthology he’s co-editing with John Robert Colombo, will be revealed shortly. Because it is a big secret. Some time later, I got this… email from […]

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Tesseracts Thirteen is in bookstores

Actually, it’s been in bookstores for a little while unofficially. But now the first-ever terror-themed Tesseracts is officially out from EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing. Editors of Tesseracts Thirteen are Nancy Kilpatrick and David Morrell, and contributors include me among others. There’ll be a launch in Toronto September 12; we already spoke of that,

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Radejastians lives

(What?) My story “The Radejastians” will be in Tesseracts Thirteen, unless email lies. Found out last night from co-editor Nancy Kilpatrick, that the story’s been accepted for the 13th edition of the long-running Canadian anthology series. In honor of the number, this one’s all horror. Nancy and co-editor David Morrell (of the First Blood fame)

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