Eutopia: A Novel of Terrible Optimisim

The year is 1911.   In Cold Spring Harbour, New York, the newly formed Eugenics Records Office is sending its agents to catalogue the infirm, the insane, and the criminal—with an eye to a cull, for the betterment of all.

Near Cracked Wheel, Montana, a terrible illness leaves Jason Thistledown an orphan, stranded in his dead mother’s cabin until the spring thaw shows him the true meaning of devastation—and the barest thread of hope.

At the edge of the utopian mill town of Eliada, Idaho, Doctor Andrew Waggoner faces a Klansman’s noose and glimpses wonder in the twisting face of the patient known only as Mister Juke.

And deep in a mountain lake overlooking that town, something stirs, and thinks, in its way:

Things are looking up.

Eutopia follows Jason and Andrew as together and alone, they delve into the secrets of Eliada—industrialist Garrison Harper’s attempt to incubate a perfect community on the edge of the dark woods and mountains of northern Idaho. What they find reveals the true, terrible cost of perfection—the cruelty of the surgeon’s knife—the folly of the cull—and a monstrous pact with beings that use perfection as a weapon, and faith as a trap.

Praise for Eutopia: A Novel of Terrible Optimism

“Nickle(Monstrous Affections) blends Little House on the Prairie with distillates of Rosemary’s Baby and The X-Files 

to create a chilling survival-of-the-fittest story. . . . [His] bleak debut novel mixes utopian vision, rustic Americana, and pure creepiness.”
Publishers Weekly

“Toronto author David Nickle’s debut novel, the follow-up to his brilliantly wicked collection of horror stories Monstrous Affections, establishes him as a worthy heir to the mantle of Stephen King.

And I don’t mean the King of Under the Dome or other recent flops, but the master of psychological suspense who ruled the ’80s with classics like Pet Sematary.”
Alex Good
The National Post

“Nickle’s debut novel Eutopia – an entrancing amalgam of historical thriller, dark fantasy and weird fiction – is an utterly creepy, bladder-loosening, storytelling tour de force.”

Paul Goat Allen

“A dark, complicated and frequently harrowing read… Eutopia is a compelling exploration of the horror of good intentions.”

Tim Pratt
Locus Magazine

“(Eutopia) is immensely readable: a quick-paced mountain stream of a novel, cool and sharp and intense, and terrifically adept at drawing a reader in…

 Eutopia accomplishes what the best horror fiction strives for: gives us characters we can care about and hope for, and then inflicts on them the kind of realistic, inescapable, logical sufferings that make us close our eyes a little at the unfairness of not the author, but the world — and all the while with something more to say for itself than the world is a very bad place.”
Leah Bobet

“If smart, innovative horror is nice, it still has to strike at the base of the skull…  

Nickle knows that horror needs to strike at nerve endings and not get too cerebral;  Eutopia does that by getting out of its own way.”
Justin Bauer
The Philadelphia City Paper

Eutopia is as frightening in its social message as it is with its religious themes, and features irresistable prose… A top-notch novel all around.”

Nick Cato
The Horror Fiction Review

“Eutopia crosses genres in a world where folks from a rustic Faulkner novel might clash with H.P. Lovecraft’s monstrosities.

Add a dash of Cronenbergian body horror to atmosphere worthy of Poe, and you get one of the most original horror stories in years.”
Chris Hallock
All Things Horror

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