Free Stories

There’s lots of things for sale that are featured on the Devil’s Exercise Yard – but here are some places where stories by David Nickle can be found for free, either in print or in audio form. Here’s a run-down, with links.

“The Caretakers,” edited by Ellen Datlow – published in 2016 at

“The Parable of the Cylinder,” Canadian Notes & Queries, 2016

“The Sloan Men,” from Monstrous Affections at The Devil’s Exercise Yard under a Creative Commons License

“The Sloan Men,” audio adaptation at, narrated by Cunning Minx, hosted by Alasdair Stuart and produced by Ben Phillips

Knife Fight,” audio adaptation at, read by Dave Robison, hosted by Alasdair Stuart and produced by Graeme Dunlop

“Looker,” audio adaptation at, read by Steve Cropper, hosted by Alasdair Stuart and produced by Graeme Dunlop

“The Radejastians,” audio adaptation at, read by Eric Luke, hosted by Alasdair Stuart and produced by Ben Phillips

“The Inevitability of Earth,” audio adaptation at, read by Robert C. Eccles, hosted by Alasdair Stuart and produced by Ben Phillips

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